Thursday, January 10, 2019

Indiana Family Christmas


We hosted my husband's side of the family for Christmas. This works out very well for us. Our home is already baby-proofed for the little ones and we have enough space for everyone to move about comfortably. It's around 20 people total.

Aunt Karen and Uncle John brought a puppy with them, who stole the show this year. 

Everyone took turns holding and petting the puppy.

One of my sons with a remote-controlled car he received.

My 5-year-old (on the piano bench) modeling some glasses she received, while cousin Raven models bunny glasses she received (in the foreground).

My two little boys opening a gift together.

My 3-year-old received this motorcycle from his motorcycle-driving Aunt Karen. Cute.

We decided to go with a themed meal this year, instead of repeating the usual turkey/potatoes/green beans traditional meal. We picked the theme of ROUND FOOD. So everything was round -from the noodles, to the sliced carrots, to the meatballs and sausages, to the pumpkin pies and cookies.

Giving out hugs at bedtime.

Another merry Christmas celebration!

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