Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Wisconsin Christmas Party #2


We celebrated Christmas in Wisconsin at my dad's house. My Grandma June couldn't be with us this year, so we missed getting to see her during our visit. 

This is the whole extended family group plus a photo-shopped Grandma June in the middle. :-)

Just our family... and a deer head. :-)

And just my hubby and me

My dad with the grandkids who were present

My 5-year-old being a big girl with her big cup

And sitting with Aunt Melanie

My dad gave a tractor ride to a few of my kids - city kids whose exposure to farms and tractors is quite limited!

My kids playing at Grandpa's house.

There are cats to see at Grandpa's house. The cats and the deer heads are the highlights of visiting. :-)

The barn on my grandfather's farm burned down a few weeks before Christmas. We toured the debris. So many hours of my dad's life, my brothers' lives were spent in this barn. This bulk tank was used over many decades, holding  hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk over its lifetime.

We also went through my Grandma June's house to look for a few specific items. This ceramic nativity piece reminds me of my grandma. She made multiple pieces like this for her children and displayed them each year. It is a special reminder.

It is a good time, seeing extended family during these holiday celebrations. Merry Christmas!

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