Monday, January 14, 2019

A Day in the Life


Our life is full of noise and chaos much of the time. But once in a while the children are playing together nicely, quietly, calmly.

Folding laundry - or just playing in it - on the couch.

Together they worked on making a train track that looked like a snowman. Very creative play!

My 3-year-old loves books. It does my heart good to see him choose to read/look at books by himself.

My little guy, all smiles. Life's been hard for him as he's teething and as he is pushed around a lot by his 3-year-old brother. He's gonna have to be a tough guy to keep up with his brother. But he'll do it. He eats like a champ and is built for bulk - he'll be as big as his brother soon. They already share the same size diaper and can share some clothes.

Here my 3-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter were working together, picking up sticks from the yard and hauling them in a sled to the back firepit. Nice to see teamwork! 

Daddy and son. 

We've finally had some winter snow. My 3-year-old has been able to play in it some and even grabbed a shovel to help move it, as much as he could.

A sweet moment as brother and sister play together in a mushroom tent / tunnel playhouse. 

Happy Days? Not always, but some happy and precious moments, yes! 

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