Monday, January 14, 2019

A Day in the Life


Our life is full of noise and chaos much of the time. But once in a while the children are playing together nicely, quietly, calmly.

Folding laundry - or just playing in it - on the couch.

Together they worked on making a train track that looked like a snowman. Very creative play!

My 3-year-old loves books. It does my heart good to see him choose to read/look at books by himself.

My little guy, all smiles. Life's been hard for him as he's teething and as he is pushed around a lot by his 3-year-old brother. He's gonna have to be a tough guy to keep up with his brother. But he'll do it. He eats like a champ and is built for bulk - he'll be as big as his brother soon. They already share the same size diaper and can share some clothes.

Here my 3-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter were working together, picking up sticks from the yard and hauling them in a sled to the back firepit. Nice to see teamwork! 

Daddy and son. 

We've finally had some winter snow. My 3-year-old has been able to play in it some and even grabbed a shovel to help move it, as much as he could.

A sweet moment as brother and sister play together in a mushroom tent / tunnel playhouse. 

Happy Days? Not always, but some happy and precious moments, yes! 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Indiana Family Christmas


We hosted my husband's side of the family for Christmas. This works out very well for us. Our home is already baby-proofed for the little ones and we have enough space for everyone to move about comfortably. It's around 20 people total.

Aunt Karen and Uncle John brought a puppy with them, who stole the show this year. 

Everyone took turns holding and petting the puppy.

One of my sons with a remote-controlled car he received.

My 5-year-old (on the piano bench) modeling some glasses she received, while cousin Raven models bunny glasses she received (in the foreground).

My two little boys opening a gift together.

My 3-year-old received this motorcycle from his motorcycle-driving Aunt Karen. Cute.

We decided to go with a themed meal this year, instead of repeating the usual turkey/potatoes/green beans traditional meal. We picked the theme of ROUND FOOD. So everything was round -from the noodles, to the sliced carrots, to the meatballs and sausages, to the pumpkin pies and cookies.

Giving out hugs at bedtime.

Another merry Christmas celebration!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Wisconsin Christmas Party #2


We celebrated Christmas in Wisconsin at my dad's house. My Grandma June couldn't be with us this year, so we missed getting to see her during our visit. 

This is the whole extended family group plus a photo-shopped Grandma June in the middle. :-)

Just our family... and a deer head. :-)

And just my hubby and me

My dad with the grandkids who were present

My 5-year-old being a big girl with her big cup

And sitting with Aunt Melanie

My dad gave a tractor ride to a few of my kids - city kids whose exposure to farms and tractors is quite limited!

My kids playing at Grandpa's house.

There are cats to see at Grandpa's house. The cats and the deer heads are the highlights of visiting. :-)

The barn on my grandfather's farm burned down a few weeks before Christmas. We toured the debris. So many hours of my dad's life, my brothers' lives were spent in this barn. This bulk tank was used over many decades, holding  hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk over its lifetime.

We also went through my Grandma June's house to look for a few specific items. This ceramic nativity piece reminds me of my grandma. She made multiple pieces like this for her children and displayed them each year. It is a special reminder.

It is a good time, seeing extended family during these holiday celebrations. Merry Christmas!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Wisconsin Christmas Party #1


Here are some pictures from our Christmas celebration with my mother in Wisconsin. 

Me with my mama. Do we look alike?

My oldest daughter with my mother.

Our festive family 

Me with my brother Brian

My 3-year-old enjoying his new toy guitar

My littlest boy with his daddy

My 5-year-old with a stuffed kitten gift

My 3 littlest kids enjoying Grandma's chalkboard

These kids wore us all out... even the stuffed animal toys were exhausted!

Our family has Norwegian heritage, which means that we enjoy making and eating lefse. Here is my hubby working on rolling some lefse.

Grandma and granddaughter enjoyed decorating a gingerbread nativity.

Here's my 11-year-old with one of his gifts.

Another merry Christmas is in the books!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Our Simple Christmas


Our family Christmas was very low-key this year. We went on a getaway to Indianapolis earlier in December, which I blogged about a few weeks ago. That trip was an early Christmas gift for our family. So on Christmas Day, we spent the day at home together with minimal gifts, just enjoying each other. 

My 5-year-old received a new bike, which she was super excited about. Dad spent a good amount of Christmas Day putting this bike together.

My oldest girl with a book she received. Her wrapped up in a blanket is a very normal sight in our home. She spends nearly all day, every day wrapped in this cozy blanket.

My oldest son with some books he received.

My littlest boy with some stuffed animal toys. Each of these animals sings a song and flaps its ears. Very cute...and annoying after the first few minutes :-)

My 3-year-old opening up a gift. 

My love and me. 

A simple, merry Christmas to all!