Monday, March 26, 2018

Cubes, Cakes and Worms


My oldest daughter has a myriad of interests. 

She's been into the Rubik's cube for a year or more now. She can solve that easy-peasy. Then she moved on to the 5x5 cube and the Megamix. I wrote about those cubes here. Now when I see the cubes laying around the house, they are "solved" into awesome patterns, like this one. 
So fun.

She's taking a cake decorating class at our homeschool co-op this semester. So over the weekend she made and decorated this beautiful cake. Way to go!

Here is a cookie she decorated a few weeks ago for class.

Some of the frosting flowers she's created.

And now this daughter of mine is taking Biology as part of her freshman year. We recently had to dissect a worm. Ewww! 

But she did great - had a good attitude about it and ended up enjoying it at least a little bit. She did intestine surgery on the little worm in the end. :-)

She's a fun girl to be around these days! 
So dynamic and witty, so interesting and unique!
I'm so glad she's my daughter!

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