Monday, April 2, 2018

Little Guy turns 9 Months


This little man is already 9 months old!

It's a challenge now to capture him in a still shot, as he's very mobile! He's crawling and rolling to get where he wants to go.

He is eating like a champ! Started this month taking 2 jars of baby food per day and is now up to 4 jars per day plus as much table food as we'll allow him. He kind of attacks any food we're holding in hands, near to him. 

He got 4 new teeth this month - all 4 on top! 

He remains a happy, content child. He does well when I leave him in the church nursery for an hour. He just loves anyone who will give him attention. He smiles easily. 

You're a delight, Little Mister! We love you!

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