Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Little Guy turns 8 Months


This little guy turned 8 months old last week!

This month was HUGE for his appetite. He started the month with just small bites of baby food. He ends the month eating 2 full jars of baby food each day, in addition to dozens of cheerios as a snack.

He still has just two bottom teeth, but the top ones are close to poking through.

He isn't crawling but is very close. He scoots backwards a lot and rolls around to get where he wants to go. He sleeps from about 6pm until 7:30 am, getting up just once for a 2am feeding. He doesn't nap well during the day, though - just two short cat naps and then back into the action that fills our home.

Now that we've had some hints of spring weather, we've enjoyed a few walks outside. He, of course, loves that! It's a whole new world to him.

And he remains such a joy in our home. Here he is being loved on by one of his big sisters. She is a little mama to him.

We love you, big guy! 

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