Monday, August 31, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 36 Weeks


Pregnancy Update: 36 Weeks Along

This week I've felt baby hiccups for the first time. They've probably been there before but I haven't noticed them until now. 

At my last midwife visit they confirmed that baby is head-down and it's very unlikely that baby will move from that position from here on out. 

I've been experiencing a lot of heartburn and indigestion. The old wives' tale says that means a baby with lots of hair. My babies do tend to have a lot of dark hair, so that is likely to be the case whether or not I have heartburn. 

We had cooler, fall-like weather this past week, which provided many opportunities to take walks outside. I had also been feeling very hot, so the cooler temps meant less fan and a/c use in the house, which was also a nice reprieve. 

I packed my hospital bag essentials this week. I need to put a few more items in, but the main things are ready to go.

Turning the calendar to September means that Baby Inkling's arrival is growing ever closer. 
Just a few weeks now.
I think I may be ready.  

Monday, August 24, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 35 Weeks


Pregnancy Update: 35 Weeks Along

Baby probably weighs about 5 pounds. From here on out, it's all about plumping up and gaining weight. All the necessary parts are functioning, it's just a matter of the baby fattening up.

This week I began packing a few items in a hospital bag.
I opened the first bag of size one diapers to have handy (of course, they look SO tiny). I put together a baby registry on just in case anyone is interested in what we still need (which really isn't much). I bought a baby book to use in putting together a scrapbook for Inkling.

I also took my older two children on a tour of the childbirth unit at the local hospital. They had been there to visit us after the birth of "Flutter" about 20 months ago. However, they had never seen the birthing suites, the nurses station, NICU, etc. For me, seeing it all again reminded me that the day is coming soon when I'll be there, laboring and cuddling my sweet new baby.

Time is indeed drawing nigh!

We love you, Baby Inkling, and are counting down the days and weeks until you officially join our family!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Toddler Girl at 19 Months


This toddler is growing and growing. 
She's now surpassed the 19-month mark.

Her hair is growing out. We've not cut it yet. The back tends to be tangled now, making it hard to comb out each morning. 

She is fascinated with watching the bread machine work. So cute as she peeks in the little window.

She loves to eat with her own spoon and fork. We may soon move her from the high chair to a booster seat at the big table. 

She just wants to do anything that big brother and sister do. Big playground equipment at the park, running around the yard, playing in the sprinkler, wrestling on the floor, pillow fights. You name it... if they are doing it, she wants to be doing it too.

That includes things she doesn't understand at all. When brother was asked to stand at the wall for a few minutes as a time out, her compassionate heart led her to stand at the wall with him. She loves him. 

Her vocabulary is growing daily. Some of her favorite words these days are "airplane" and "flip flops." She loves to distinguish between "big" and "little" items. She enjoys dancing to music, spinning in circles around the living room until she drops. 

She is such a sweet girl. She points to my belly and says "baby" but certainly her understanding of a new baby coming our way is limited. Life will change drastically in the next month or so. I'm trying to enjoy these moments with her while at the same time pull away a little to make the adjustment easier. It's a difficult balance. 

We love you, Little Lady!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Park Days


Summer means days at the park. 

In our area, we have numerous "splash pads" connected to the parks which are great for kids to enjoy on hot days.

Here are a few shots of my youngest daughter playing at the park and splash pad this summer. 

Just my size!

(This is what we did together when the older two were at swim lessons - see previous post on the swim lesson experience).

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Swim Lessons


My older two kids recently took swim lessons. This was a first for them, but they were super excited about it. 

My daughter takes to the water like a fish. She easily passed her level one class and wishes she could move on immediately to level two. 

My son was a bit more reserved, hesitant and had to work up his courage to do some of what was expected. I think he drew strength from having his big sister in the same class. 

We are blessed in our city to have numerous aquatic centers and pools that offer lessons. We're thankful! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks


Pregnancy Update: 34 weeks along

Baby should be weighing 4-5 pounds now. I'm definitely feeling a lot of movement. 

I accomplished a lot in the last week. We got out our boxes of newborn baby clothes, got them all washed and sorted. I set aside a few outfits for taking with us to the hospital, though that's as far as I've gotten with packing the hospital bag. 

I *think* my husband and I have settled on baby names. 

And we're starting to get a game plan for who is watching our older children when we're in the hospital in labor. We're also talking about my husband's work schedule and scheduling some time off when the baby comes. 

It's getting closer now. Just a few more weeks! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 33 Weeks


Pregnancy Update: 33 Weeks Along

This week I have felt really good, with a little energy boost kicking in. We did some cleaning and re-arranging this week, which feels good to this nesting mama. 

I was able to get a great deal on small diapers this week at CVS, to stockpile some for the baby. 

We got out the baby car seat from storage, which is one step closer to getting it into our van. This will necessitate another step of moving our 18-month-old (and her car seat) to a different spot in the van.

I also had a visit with my primary care doctor this week, who was very pleased with my weight gain and handling of my gestational diabetes. Good news all around! 

We love you, Baby Inkling, and delight in preparing a place for you in our home and hearts! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Triple Birthday Bash


This time of year, it is our tradition to hold a Triple Birthday Bash to celebrate the 3 summer birthdays in our family (of my hubby, my daughter and me). 

It was a lot of work to pull this off this year and I'm not sure I'd try it again being this pregnant. But it did go well. We've only skipped doing the Birthday Bash once and I regretted it after the fact, so I am glad that we hosted it this year.

Our neighbors joined us, which was nice. This is Liz and her dog Lola. My kids love Liz as a babysitter and my daughter dog-sits for Lola on occasion. Lola was wearing a party dress for the occasion. 

We tried a Dairy Queen ice cream cake for the first time ever. It was a hit with everyone!

Here is my oldest daughter opening some gifts. She is really into house layouts and floor plans these days, so she was super excited about a re-usable sticker planner she received.

She received lots of nice gifts - a hula hoop, a big bouncy ball for outside, a nice organizer for her room, nail polish, 2 alarm clocks, a body pillow, and that's just what I can recall. She is well loved!

Fun times and memories in the making!

Happy Birthday, Babe!
Happy Birthday, Dear Daughter! 
Happy Birthday to me!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 32 Weeks


Pregnancy Update: 32 Weeks Along

My birthday is this week, so here's a shot of me with some birthday loot - plenty of goodies for making smores. Mmmm. 

I think I overdid it earlier in the week (we went blueberry picking), as I ended up with some hip pain that made simple walking difficult for a few days. However, that is gone now and hasn't returned. 

I feel good. My sister-in-law paid me a huge compliment over the weekend, telling me that I looked very healthy and "perfectly pregnant." After some not-so-flattering comments about being "sooo big" it was encouraging to hear someone tell me that I looked healthy, even thin everywhere except for my baby bump. 

We're counting down the weeks. And now that August is here, we can officially say that our due date is next month. It'll come quick. I still have plenty to do to get ready and I know these last few weeks will speed along. 

We love you, Baby Inkling!