Monday, August 3, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 32 Weeks


Pregnancy Update: 32 Weeks Along

My birthday is this week, so here's a shot of me with some birthday loot - plenty of goodies for making smores. Mmmm. 

I think I overdid it earlier in the week (we went blueberry picking), as I ended up with some hip pain that made simple walking difficult for a few days. However, that is gone now and hasn't returned. 

I feel good. My sister-in-law paid me a huge compliment over the weekend, telling me that I looked very healthy and "perfectly pregnant." After some not-so-flattering comments about being "sooo big" it was encouraging to hear someone tell me that I looked healthy, even thin everywhere except for my baby bump. 

We're counting down the weeks. And now that August is here, we can officially say that our due date is next month. It'll come quick. I still have plenty to do to get ready and I know these last few weeks will speed along. 

We love you, Baby Inkling!

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