Monday, August 24, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 35 Weeks


Pregnancy Update: 35 Weeks Along

Baby probably weighs about 5 pounds. From here on out, it's all about plumping up and gaining weight. All the necessary parts are functioning, it's just a matter of the baby fattening up.

This week I began packing a few items in a hospital bag.
I opened the first bag of size one diapers to have handy (of course, they look SO tiny). I put together a baby registry on just in case anyone is interested in what we still need (which really isn't much). I bought a baby book to use in putting together a scrapbook for Inkling.

I also took my older two children on a tour of the childbirth unit at the local hospital. They had been there to visit us after the birth of "Flutter" about 20 months ago. However, they had never seen the birthing suites, the nurses station, NICU, etc. For me, seeing it all again reminded me that the day is coming soon when I'll be there, laboring and cuddling my sweet new baby.

Time is indeed drawing nigh!

We love you, Baby Inkling, and are counting down the days and weeks until you officially join our family!

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