Monday, August 10, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 33 Weeks


Pregnancy Update: 33 Weeks Along

This week I have felt really good, with a little energy boost kicking in. We did some cleaning and re-arranging this week, which feels good to this nesting mama. 

I was able to get a great deal on small diapers this week at CVS, to stockpile some for the baby. 

We got out the baby car seat from storage, which is one step closer to getting it into our van. This will necessitate another step of moving our 18-month-old (and her car seat) to a different spot in the van.

I also had a visit with my primary care doctor this week, who was very pleased with my weight gain and handling of my gestational diabetes. Good news all around! 

We love you, Baby Inkling, and delight in preparing a place for you in our home and hearts! 

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