Thursday, April 11, 2013

Another Box Day


We use a curriculum called Sonlight.
The most exciting day of our school year is "Box Day." 
This is the day when our boxes arrive from Sonlight, containing dozens and dozens of books and materials we will use for the next school year. 

Oh how excited we are for each box day! 
Here are some pictures of my daughter with her 5th grade curriculum that arrived last week. 

Excellent resources for studying the lives of some missionaries, for science materials focusing on anatomy, our favorite math curriculum Teaching Textbooks, a kit for teaching calligraphy, and over 50 other titles that we are looking forward to exploring in 5th grade! 

One book - Blood and Guts - got quite a reaction from my daughter!
Just for fun, here is the link to our 3rd grade box day
 and here's the link for last year's 4th grade box day

(I enjoy looking at those older posts, to see how far we've come in our "love of learning." We started using Sonlight because we had tried other curriculum and found it just didn't fit well with our family. We were on the verge of throwing in the towel with homeschooling. Then we tried Sonlight and are enjoying school more than I thought possible. We love Sonlight, in case you can't tell, and look forward to continuing to use their excellent curriculum for the remainder of our time as homeschoolers)


  1. Happy Box Day! Love the photos. May "Blood and Guts"--and the other titles--all continue to inspire a life-long love of learning [smile].


  2. I love box day! And so do my kids...I am learning that buying a new curriculum before the current one is finished may not be a good idea, because my kids are all ready to move on to the next year :-) We are doing core B next year.
