Thursday, May 7, 2020

Quarantine Week 8 Scripture


This week during quarantine, the story of Zacchaeus has been on my mind. The story in Luke 19 was the basis for Sunday's sermon and therefore became the basis for some of our small group discussion later in the week. 

One of the questions asked was something like, "What is a sycamore tree in your life, where you can get above the crowd to get a better view of Jesus?" 

I thought of things like quiet time and Bible study. And then my mind thought of the few close friends I have who can speak biblical counsel to me when I need to hear it. Later a friend mentioned that gratitude is a sycamore tree in her life, that when she takes time to thank God for all the gifts He gives, she can see Him (and all of life) more clearly. 

I have been pondering that ever since she said it. 
Climb the tree of gratitude to see Jesus. 

Especially during a quarantine and such strange days as these, we can focus on the negative and all that we're missing. But to lift up our eyes and see all of the good gifts that we continue to receive and to turn gratitude into praise to God is a very beautiful thing. 

So, we are working on being thankful, climbing the tree of gratitude to catch a better glimpse of God Himself!

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