Friday, May 1, 2020

Quarantine Week 7


Week 7 of this quarantine is over. Today marks the end of our state's official stay-at-home orders. The governor will be outlining a multi-phase plan to open up little by little from now until July 4th. But things could change, depending on if we see a major surge in coronavirus cases in the meantime. Or things could go well and we could be back on track to normal. We'll see. 

Once again, I am so thankful that this quarantine is happening during the spring. The weather is beautiful and the hope springs eternal this time of year. It does wonders for the spirit to spend time outside, not to mention just giving us all another option of how to spend our time. 

We had a picnic lunch one day and ate supper outside at least one day this week. The kids ask to do this regularly now.

And just because this boy can really eat, I grabbed a picture of him eating a loaded hot dog!

You know you're well into quarantine when the older kids start trimming dead branches off the trees. Okay?!

Speaking of trees, Sunday's sermon was on Zacchaeus climbing up a tree. Though we were livestreaming church at home, my oldest son drew a picture of what we were studying. 

The other children found the story of Zacchaeus in their children's Bibles.

And my 4 year old just loves to sing, play guitar and talk into a pretend microphone. So he was in his element pretending to be a worship pastor.

My husband worked this week on building a cabinet for our upstairs bathroom, specifically working on creating the drawers. It's looking good!

My 6 year old knows that people are wearing gloves a lot these days. So one day she created her own "Corona gloves." So observant and creative!

We played Bounce Off, Jenga and Candyland this week. 

My oldest daughter moved on from adult coloring pages to this beautiful design on a regular old paper towel! This girl also finished up a few school subjects this week. Just about 10 more days to go before Junior year is over and Senior year will begin!

The children enjoyed their indoor bouncy balls a lot this week. They pretend they are horses. They pretend to race. They pretend to be in a parade. They pretend to be kings/queens and guards. Lots of ball fun!

We purchased new twin mattresses for our two girls. They came in shrink-wrapped, air-tight, rolled up packages. Opening them was quite fun as they inflated to full size once we opened the bag. Fun to watch!

This week I wore a face mask for the first time at a public place. About half of the people I see in grocery stores / in public are wearing masks these days. 

We decided to pay for lawn service this summer. The lawn care man came this week, while provided a lot of entertainment for the children. And we are already seeing results of weeds dying, which makes mom and dad happy. 

Our homeschool co-op, though unable to meet in person since mid-March, still encouraged us to memorize a Scripture passage. This week, my oldest two kids recorded themselves reciting the verse (Psalm 103:11-22). On top of that, I worked with them this semester to memorize all of Psalm 103 and we recited that this week on video. That felt like a great accomplishment... and we will receive a $10 gift card to a local ice cream shop as a reward too! 

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