Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Birthday Boy - Turning 4


This little boy is turning 4!

What a great year he has had! 

One big area of growth has been his self control. A year or so ago, he was a screamer. Whenever he was angry or didn't get what he wanted, he would let out the shrillest of screams. I have some hearing loss thanks to this boy! But as we've worked on self control, on using words to express how we're feeling, he has grown. 

He has also overcome a lot of fear. Watching him face swimming lessons after having a near-drowning incident last winter, he went from full of fear to full of courage. 

I love this boy's heart for music and worship. I love his smile that comes easy. I love his creative side, seen as he builds towns and farms and train tracks. He is the one of my children who always wants to hold my hand. Yes, son, as long as you want to, you can hold my hand! 

Happy birthday, my boy! 

Thank you, God, for sending this boy to our family!

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