Thursday, August 15, 2019

Getting to the Heart


A quick, but deep, thought about motives and the heart. 

When I see this picture, I see each individual child and their uniqueness. The one who struggles with fear, the one obsessed with outward beauty, the one who hates hypocrisy with a passion, etc. But I am only human and my parenting is imperfect, especially at figuring out what is happening in their hearts, at the root of choices they make. 

We were recently discussing Hebrews 4:12 about the Word of God being able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Oh, how thankful I am that God is able and His Word is able to discern motives and thoughts! It's not my job. It doesn't rest on me! I don't have to be perfect at it. Because God is! What a gift His Word is, if only we'd treasure it and allow it to transform us!

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