Monday, April 30, 2018

Homeschool Co-op Semester Wraps Up


Our homeschool co-op has wrapped up another 12-week semester. We meet on Wednesday mornings from 9 to 12:30. 

My oldest daughter took Cake Decorating, World War 1, Story Mapping and Math Enrichment (like a math-focused study hall to work on any problem areas in the math we do at home throughout the week). She hasn't been enjoying co-op as much as she used to, partly because she has to get up earlier on co-op days than any other day of the week.

Here is the display table with all the final projects for the Cake Decorating class. Such creativity!

My oldest son took Gym (his favorite class, always), 3D Building, Team Building and Math Games.

Here he is with a Lego maze built in his Team Building class.

And here are some good friends, Ben and Josh, working together with my son on a 3D building project. They worked well together and had a fun time!

My youngest girl was in PreSchool and loved it. She loves her teachers and always has a lot to talk about after co-op, filling us in on what crafts they did, what games they played, what snack they ate, etc. 

My two littlest boys were in the nursery, which is also where I spent most of my morning.

 Here's my littlest guy loving the jumperoo.

And a few other littles from the nursery at co-op that I snapped shots of. This little girl was talking on her toy phone for at least 10 minutes, while relaxing in this chair. 

And this little one consistently fell asleep in the jumperoo, bouncing herself to sleep!

I was again in the role of Treasurer for our group, making me very popular on co-op mornings as folks needed to pay fees for registration and field trips or to turn in receipts for reimbursement. 

As a group, we memorized Ephesians 6:10-18 (the armor of God passage). At our final program, the entire group of about 130 kids takes the stage to recite the verse together.

We are thankful for this group of like-minded families. 
We are thankful for great classes that were taught. 
We are thankful for friendships that were strengthened. 
We are thankful for the freedom to homeschool. 
We are thankful for a co-op that glorifies God.

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