Monday, April 23, 2018

Discipleship and Disciple-Making


Discipleship. It's been on my mind a lot over this last year. 

I think it's normal for everyone to go through seasons of life when they feel dry, spiritually. It feels like winter. And then there are other seasons when one feels more spiritually awake, in tune, fresh and more spring-like.

It would be abnormal to be stuck in one season for a prolonged amount of time. That is not a sign of good health or life. 

And so it is with my spiritual life, that I can look back over years and see different seasons. 
Seasons of dryness. 
Seasons of zeal. 
Seasons of growth. 
Seasons of hunkering down to survive harsh conditions.
Seasons of new growth. 

I am thankful for a women's Bible study I've been a part of throughout this year. We've studied some excellent material together. 

We did a study on the Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. 

We also went through a very thought-provoking book by Mary Kassian called Knowing God By Name.

We've been taught how to study the Bible on our own, using a variety of methods to dig deeper into the text. And I've learned new tools for growing my prayer life, which has been very exciting for me. (One "hack" we were taught was to use PRAY as an acronym, to stand for Praise, Repent, Ask and Yield. We've also learned how to wrap our requests in the Scriptures we're already reading. This has truly revolutionized my prayer life in the last 6 months or so). 

Our small groups are committed to discipleship. The goal is to see each member growing in their faith, in their relationship with God, in their spiritual life. 

And the next step is disciple-making. This has always been hard for me, as I am an introvert and am generally quiet. Boldness is not my thing. Speaking up is not my thing. 
Not rocking the boat is my thing! 
So this area too is one where I am growing in my understanding of what is disciple-making all about. I'm seeing my role in my home as more of a disciple-maker than ever before. Jesus had 12 disciples and was with them for about 3 years, pouring into their lives all they needed to know and see lived out. I have 5 little disciples who are learning from me! What a challenge as I consider what I am modeling for them and what I am teaching them during these years. 

So I am appreciative of this current season of new growth, of greater zeal and faith that feels fresh again. 

I am thankful that our Father never gives up on us but is constantly shaping us, molding us more into the image of His Son. 

We wish for instantaneous transformation. 
Instead it's minute-by-minute sanctification. 

Trusting in God's perfect timing and perfect plans. 
Thankful for all He is and all He continues to do...
in us and through us and with us. 

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