Friday, September 22, 2017

Birthday Boy Turns 2


This boy... what a handful he is!

It's hard to catch a picture of him, as he's in constant motion. But here he was dancing with Daddy and big sister in the kitchen. 

He can count very clearly from 1 to 10. He speaks very well and is adding new words to his vocabulary daily. 

He loves to manipulate things - whether pulling all the books off the shelf or all the pans out of the cupboard. He loves to stack things up and knock them down. He loves to move things from one place to another (like the pumpkins during his photo shoot).

He is a great sleeper. He sleeps 12-13 hours each night, without interruption, and he naps 2-3 hours each afternoon. 

He loves to be tickled. We enjoy some good tickle time at least once a day together. Tickling is what got him loosened up for these pictures. 

Let me tell you about this kid and guitars! He ADORES guitars. He wants to regularly watch music videos that include close-up guitar shots and he walks around the house with this play guitar ALL THE TIME! "Guitar" is probably his most common word these days. 

This child has no fear. I predict he will be the first of our family with a broken bone. He is regularly climbing up on furniture. He knows what I will say... "Be careful!" so he looks back at me and clearly repeats "Be careful!" but continues to do what he wants to. 

He still has his favorite blanket that MUST accompany him to bed each night. We have weaned him off of carrying it around all day, so it now just stays in his bed. He still sleeps in a crib and so far has not even tried to climb out of it (not sure how that jives with his constant climbing on all the rest of the furniture, but it's true). 

We sure do love you, Mr. Man!
Happy 2nd birthday to you!

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