Friday, September 1, 2017

Baby Boy is 2 Months Old


Baby boy has turned 2 months old now! Time is flying by.

Sleeping... what babies do best!

Here is the little man laying in the heirloom cradle that Daddy built 14 years ago.

Checking out some toys in the playpen. 

Chilling with Daddy.

This is his first train ride, at the local zoo. 

My 3-year-old girl just loves the baby. Most of the time, she calls him "the baby" or "my baby" rather than his actual name.

Here is my oldest son with my youngest son. 

He's much more alert now and enjoys sitting in his chair, watching the older kids play nearby.

This month he smiled for the first time... at his big sister who just loves on him all the time. 

We love those smiles, little buddy!

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