Friday, June 24, 2016

Homeschool Year Over


Our school year is *finally* done! 

This year was more challenging than ever, but we made it! 

We had a 7th grade girl, who worked independently on many subjects. We had a 2nd grade boy who is a reluctant reader. We had a toddler who is constantly seeking attention. And we had a baby born in the middle of our school year. 

BUT... God is faithful. He provided strength and patience and perseverance. And now we can stand at the end of the school year and give Him the thanks and praise He deserves! 

Our 7th grade girl used Sonlight Core H this year (year 2 of 2 studying world history). We enjoyed lots of great books together. Next year there will be no more "read alouds" as Sonlight expects 8th graders to do all of their own reading of the excellent literature that makes up the curriculum. But we might slip in a few to read outloud together anyway! 

Our 2nd grade boy used Sonlight Core B+C (a condensed 1-year focus on world history). We used it loosely with him, as much of the material was simply over his head. But we did read almost every book together and he made MAJOR strides in his reading ability this year. 

We are covering some basics with our 2-year-old girl. She can sing the ABCs and count to 12 and spell her name. And she LOVES books. The most common phrase we hear from her is "Read this" as she hands us a book from the shelf. 

And our baby is learning lots too, but not from books yet. He has recently learned how to eat solid foods and how to scoot on the floor and how to babble words that we don't understand quite yet. 

I have to include myself in the list as I recount what we've learned this year. I've learned to trust God more and to lean on Him for strength, as I am so very weak. We have worked together as a family to memorize Scripture. Together we sing a hymn before bed each night and often pray together as well. We are all still growing and learning. 

But to my two official homeschooled kids, 
I want to say this as we wrap up another year: 

Way to go, dear daughter! 
I truly enjoy the homeschooling journey we're on together! 
I am proud of you and the young lady you are becoming! 

And way to go, dear son! 
You add spunk and spark to our days and 
I am so proud of the growth I've seen in you this year!

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