Monday, December 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, Little Miss!


This growing girl just turned 2!

I still remember giving birth to her. We waited to find out the baby's gender until the birth. So I asked "So! Is it a boy or a girl. I don't have my glasses on and can't see a thing!" The midwife held her up and said "It's a girl!" That moment was one of the best in my life. So exciting. 

And, as all kids do, she has grown and grown and grown. 

Last year she was too young to enjoy her birthday or Christmas very much. This year will be different! 

This girl has the sweetest, helpful spirit about her. She is quick to help out with cleaning projects, throwing away diapers, and loves putting dirty clothes (and sometimes clean ones too) down our laundry chute. 

She speaks very, very clearly for a 2 year old. I've heard from many people that they know 3 or even 4 year olds who doesn't speak as clearly or have the vocabulary she has. She strings 4-5 words together to make sentences and regularly uses words like "probably" and "Christmas tree" in her conversations. She's a talker alright! 

We love you, Rosebud, and are so very 
thankful to have you as part of our family. 
Happy birthday, sweetheart!

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