Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!


My oldest boy has turned 8! Whoa!

Eight years have passed since this big bouncing baby joined our family. We had waited and prayed, cried and prayed, and waited some more before this boy was conceived. What a delight it was to discover we were pregnant. And then to welcome this big baby, our "double blessing" weighing over 11 pounds at birth. God is good and He poured His favor on us. 

Then watching this one grow. A boy is certainly different to raise than a girl. This one and his older sister are night-and-day different. This boy has been daddy's little helper since very early on.

And he's growing up and still is a great helper. 
He helps in the kitchen with food prep...

And in the kitchen doing dishes...

And with outside projects...

And with his younger siblings.

We love you, son! Happy 8th birthday!

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