Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Gifts


Here's a peek at Christmas gifts given and received at our house this year. 

One important gift was given... SMILES! 

The littlest man received some rattles and a bumbo seat.

I received a wall plaque with a nice message, a candle, slippers and a beautiful grandmother mantle clock! I didn't get a picture of my husband with his gifts, but rest assured that he was there with us! 

2-year-old Little Miss received a sit-n-spin which was probably her favorite toy. She also received a necklace, some bath toys, a Little People car with 2 people, and a tunnel to crawl through. Lots of smiles and giggles from her!

My older son received a set of cones, a test-tube science kit, a mini-drone, a Lego truck and some candy. He was really excited about all of his gifts, but he loves all things Lego so that was probably his favorite.

My oldest daughter received a pair of roller skates, a spirograph, a mini safe, a slinky and some MadLibs. Sounds like a lot of retro toys, doesn't it? All things from her list that she is excited about it. The spirograph was the first thing she got out to experiment with and quickly shared her beautiful designs. 

Love Christmas morning with these silly kids! 

We've had years of lean and years of plenty. This was a year of plenty for us. A year where we saw clearly the Lord's favor on my husband's employment. We give God the thanks and praise for that! We were able to give more than we've ever given at Christmastime because of His favor on us. Truly, we give because God is a Giver, who gave first to us! 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Baby Boy is 3 Months Old


This baby boy is three months old now! 
It's been a month of smiles and first belly laughs!

He smiles with Mommy!

He smiles with Daddy!

He smiles in his sleep! 

He likes to play with on his activity mat in the playpen. 

And he likes to watch and "play" with his big siblings.

And, of course, he's excited to celebrate his first Christmas!

And when it's all said and done, Mama is still his favorite person in the whole world and he doesn't like to be far from her for even a minute! 

We love you, Little Digger and are so thankful that God blessed our family with you! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, Little Miss!


This growing girl just turned 2!

I still remember giving birth to her. We waited to find out the baby's gender until the birth. So I asked "So! Is it a boy or a girl. I don't have my glasses on and can't see a thing!" The midwife held her up and said "It's a girl!" That moment was one of the best in my life. So exciting. 

And, as all kids do, she has grown and grown and grown. 

Last year she was too young to enjoy her birthday or Christmas very much. This year will be different! 

This girl has the sweetest, helpful spirit about her. She is quick to help out with cleaning projects, throwing away diapers, and loves putting dirty clothes (and sometimes clean ones too) down our laundry chute. 

She speaks very, very clearly for a 2 year old. I've heard from many people that they know 3 or even 4 year olds who doesn't speak as clearly or have the vocabulary she has. She strings 4-5 words together to make sentences and regularly uses words like "probably" and "Christmas tree" in her conversations. She's a talker alright! 

We love you, Rosebud, and are so very 
thankful to have you as part of our family. 
Happy birthday, sweetheart!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!


My oldest boy has turned 8! Whoa!

Eight years have passed since this big bouncing baby joined our family. We had waited and prayed, cried and prayed, and waited some more before this boy was conceived. What a delight it was to discover we were pregnant. And then to welcome this big baby, our "double blessing" weighing over 11 pounds at birth. God is good and He poured His favor on us. 

Then watching this one grow. A boy is certainly different to raise than a girl. This one and his older sister are night-and-day different. This boy has been daddy's little helper since very early on.

And he's growing up and still is a great helper. 
He helps in the kitchen with food prep...

And in the kitchen doing dishes...

And with outside projects...

And with his younger siblings.

We love you, son! Happy 8th birthday!