Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer Bucket List


We've been busy with items from our Summer Bucket List, since summer is quickly slipping away (in case you hadn't noticed). We went camping a week ago and have enjoyed some ice cream on numerous "it's just hot" occasions.

And this week we took a day to visit a nearby water park. The kids had earned free admission through a reading program and of course, I'm all about discounted or free fun! :-)

I didn't get any pictures of the kids in the deeper water because I was in there with them and didn't want to destroy my camera. But we all agreed that the lazy river was the best part. 

We went on a day that was perfect, in this pregnant-mama's opinion. The temps were in the 70s. It was sunny, but cloudy so there was some natural shade at times. There was a breeze that helped keep us cool. The weather made it a very enjoyable day. 

How are you doing on your summer bucket list? Time is running out! Get it done!

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