Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pregnancy - Week 20


20 Weeks Along

We're halfway there! 

In the last week, I removed my wedding ring from my finger. I now wear it on a chain around my neck. My fingers swell during pregnancy (especially last week with plenty of summer heat). When pregnant with my son 6 years ago, I forgot to remove my ring before it was too late. I ended up not being able to remove my ring for the next 5 years... until I had it professionally cut off by a jeweler. Hoping to avoid that this time! 

We had the standard 20-week ultrasound earlier this week. Everything looked great. The baby was plenty active - opening and closing its mouth, punching with its fist, turning and moving. As far as the sex of the baby goes, the technician told us... the baby is a normal gender. :-) 
We don't want to find out the sex ahead of time, so we'll be surprised later on. 

My hubby created a "Flutter Phone" this week - a megaphone to talk to Baby Flutter. The kids think this is very funny, but he did similar things when they were in-utero so the baby was used to hearing Daddy's voice. 

We love you, Baby Flutter!

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