Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pregnancy - 19 Weeks


19 Weeks Along

So we're at the halfway point of this pregnancy. As with anything, it seems to have gone fast and gone slowly at the same time! 

In the next few days our routine 20-week ultrasound is scheduled. At this point, we're opting to NOT find out if Flutter is a boy or a girl, but to be surprised at birth. My husband and I will be happy either way, though my son wants a little brother and my daughter wants a little sister so one of them will end up disappointed.

I continue to feel great. I have a good amount of energy, which I've put to use to do some cleaning and organizing (nesting instinct?) around the house. We went camping last weekend, which I tolerated well. 

I'm feeling more baby movements on a consistent basis now, which is encouraging. Once in a while I still have feelings of anxiety about miscarriage, but overall I am very hopeful that things will turn out well with this pregnancy. 

We love you, Flutter!

1 comment:

  1. Looking great, Shannon! So happy to hear all is well!
