Thursday, July 18, 2013

Garden Update


Our garden is producing! We've had an abundance of green beans and cucumbers in the last few days. Prior to this, we had lettuce (which we harvested from May all through June and into early July, when it started to turn bitter). 

Cucumbers on the left, sprawling out, providing lots of shade for those big cukes to hide. Sweet corn on the right of the picture. 

Sweet corn on the left, starting to tassel now. Tomatoes in the middle - none to harvest yet, but starting to come in. Green beans on the right - coming in strong now.

Broccoli is getting eaten up by beetles, so I don't know how much of this we'll be able to harvest. Next are turnips. Then some peas, which we planted late and aren't ready yet.
In addition to the vegetable garden, we've got some beautiful flowers blooming right now too. I love strolling around the yard when these beauties greet me!

We have multiple rose-of-sharon bushes/trees that are in full bloom right now.

Some marigolds that line the perimeter of the garden.

My favorite hydrangea in the foreground, with big pink and lavender blooms. Behind is a stargazer lily that is just stunning right now, with a few more blooms ready to pop in the next few days.

Cosmos in various pink shades.

The way that the flowers come to life just encourages my heart. The beauty of creation makes me sing with gratefulness that I can be alive to experience it!

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