Friday, January 11, 2013

Family Photo Friday

Family Photo Friday - it's what we do around here on most Fridays - posting pictures from our week

 I've shared many times before about our Christmas card prayer tradition. Here are my kids with this year's cards, which we just today started praying through. 
Love this tradition!

My husband has been more intentional about playing/learning to play the guitar. 
The kids always want to help.

My son hadn't been able to play in the snow yet because he didn't have any winter boots... until last weekend. I finally got to the store to get him some. He immediately wanted to play in the snow! Here both my kids were playing with snow tubes borrowed from our neighbors. We have the perfect small hill for sledding in our side yard. It's a good thing they got out to play each day earlier this week, because now all of our snow is gone. We are hoping for more!

Happy Friday to you!
There will never be another 1/11/2013... make it a good one! 

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