Monday, November 26, 2012



Last week, my son was sick with an ear infection. This doesn't happen often - about once a year or so - but when it does, it is very painful. Usually he has cold symptoms during the day but one night will just be up crying, complaining that his ear hurts. 

Last year, we headed to the Urgent Care Clinic around 9 pm and waiting until after midnight before we were seen. This time around, he woke up in the night at 1 am and we headed to Urgent Care at 2 am and were seen by 3 am. We were back in bed at home, with medicine for the ear infection, by 5 am. 

The next day, my son was up and happy, acting like his normal self. He headed out with Dad for a while and returned with a bouquet of flowers for me - to say "Thank you for taking me to the doctor in the night time.

About 3 days into the antibiotics, my son developed hives, presumably as an allergic reaction to the medicine. His cheeks and ears turned red and itchy. A few hours later, his arms and feet were blotchy red and itchy. In this picture, he was giving the thumbs up though he was itching like crazy and looking much more rosy than normal!

After a crazy run-around to contact a doctor on Thanksgiving Day, we were able to get some new antiobiotics prescribed and so far, all is well. 

There's nothing like a bout of sickness to make one thankful for general good health, for living in an age where medicines are available, for healing

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