Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Homeschool Co-op Semester Ends


Our homeschool co-op has come to an end for this semester. Our semesters run for 12-13 weeks. We have a fall semester and then in early February we'll start the spring semester

Last week we wrapped up my US Geography class at co-op. Here was our class picture.

I took individual shots of the kids with the states they reported on during the semester, so here's my daughter with California.  

There is an end-of-the-semester program that family and friends are invited to attend. This is a chance for some of the classes - such as ballet or drama - to show off what they have learned. Other classes - like my Geography class - put up display tables to show some of the work we've done. In this picture, you can see almost all of the kids in our co-op on the church stage. As a big group, we memorized 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 and then recited it at the program. Not sure of the exact number of kids involved, but it's around 150 or so. 

One of the great benefits of our co-op is the field trips. We have a field trip coordinator who does a wonderful job organizing neat field trip opportunities. With over 100 kids involved, she often has to schedule 2 or 3 identical field trips so that everybody who wants to participate can do so. Recently, we enjoyed a trip to a local radio and TV station. How fun to see behind the scenes and even watch VERY QUIETLY as the 12:00 News aired live in the studio. 

I'm thankful for this co-op. We've met many wonderful people who have become quick friends. And all of us - myself included - have learned new things this semester. We've memorized a large portion of scripture. We've gotten over some stage fright / fear of public speaking / separation anxiety.

Just another reason I love homeschooling - the flexibility to add things to our schedule that benefit our family (like a co-op). It's up to us to decide what is best for our family at this stage of life. And for now, this co-op has been a wonderful blessing to all of us!  

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