Monday, June 18, 2012

Girl Scouts: End of Year Ceremony


Last week our Girl Scout troop had a year-end picnic at a local park.  

You can see from the brown grass in the pictures how hot and dry it's been lately! My son laid down on the picnic table under the pavilion, for a break from the sun and 90-degree heat.

The girls led a brief ceremony, reminding the audience of the different things they did this year, month-by-month. 

They read a poem together.

Each girl received a special star pin, in recognition of another year of scouting that they've completed. 

We enjoyed a picnic lunch, provided by the troop. Potato chips, fried chicken, watermelon, Girl Scout cookies for dessert. A true summer feast! 

Year-end is when everyone starts talking about next year and whether they will continue with the troop. We will not be continuing with Girl Scouts. And the troop leader is stepping down, so the troop will face some changes. But changes can be good, as new people step up to take the lead and bring new ideas and skills to the group.

Thank you, Girl Scouts, for a good scouting year. My daughter has made many new friends and learned a lot through new experiences this year.

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