Friday, June 15, 2012

Family Photo Friday


It's Friday again. This week flew by for us, with plenty of busyness. No matter how busy we are, though, I try to grab a few shots of life as we live it. 

We had some hot weather this week, so the kids were playing with sprinklers and water toys outside.  

Here's my daughter "skyping" with her cousin in Wisconsin. They read a Dr. Seuss book together on Skype. Fun!

My hubby and son reading a book at bedtime. 

My son was a big help this week with trimming bushes outside. He loved using those "cutters." 

He also grabbed his shovel and helped me dig up this bush. Such a big guy he's turning into!

My son and I did a painting project this week. Big smiles from the artist!

My daughter and neighbor/friend Sarah camped out in the backyard one night. It turned a bit cool overnight, so they thought they'd try again in a few more weeks when it's warmer during the night.

Happy Friday to you!

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