Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Girl Scout Camporee 2012


Last weekend was Girl Scout Camporee. This is an annual event for the service unit (the bigger group that includes dozens of local troops). Over 130 girls took part in the weekend. Our troop had 13 girls take part in staying 1 night, 2 nights or just for the day on Saturday. I chaperoned the event along with our troop leader and co-leader. Camporee was held at a local camp where I worked for 4 years so I was well acquainted with the facilities. 

 Some troops learned archery. 

Other troops - like ours - learned canoeing. 
This was a highlight for my daughter. 
The girls spent 45 minutes on the lake in the canoes. 
I stayed on the shore and took pictures. 
I bet their arms were sore!  Mine weren't :-)

Our troop made a flag banner together. This is the only group shot I got and it doesn't include everybody, unfortunately.

Tire swings are fun.

Hiking on the trails, each girl hauled her own backpack and gear for the day.

One of our younger girls ready to set out for the day.

 We went for a few short hikes in the woods. 


  The girls enjoyed playing tetherball on the beach. 

There was a carnival theme for Camporee 2012. Each troop came up with a carnival type of game (ring toss, pin the tail on the donkey, tight rope walking on something like a balance beam, etc) for all the girls to play. We enjoyed a campfire, complete with smores. And of course the girls wanted to stay up late, telling jokes and talking. 

It was an exhausting weekend for me, as an adult. Yet, it is a joy to introduce a new generation to the camping experience. 

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