Sunday, February 5, 2012

Miscarriage: This is the Day


"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Today is an important day. This is the day my baby would've been born, if...

It's an important day only because of what might have been, but isn't. If things were different, it'd be a day for celebration. A day of birth. A day to remember and celebrate each year hereafter.

Instead, the day will pass as another ordinary day. But I will praise the Lord for my baby, who lives with Him now. Praise will be on my lips, even if I also have tears in my eyes. Although my arms ache to hold him, I will rejoice to know that I will see him some day. I will grieve, but as one who has great hope.

I love you, Grant David, my son. I loved being your mommy for as long as I had. And I smile to know that you are in the precious of Jesus Christ and praising your Creator. You know no pain or suffering or sorrows - how blessed! I'll see you soon!

Although this isn't the way I would've planned things or hoped things to be, I will say "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will be glad and rejoice in it." He has made me glad and filled me with joy and hope. I praise and thank Him alone!

Praise the Lord!

PS: I know this is the day he would've come. He was due in late January. All my babies come late, so he would've come late too. And all my babies are born on the 5th of the month, so I just know that today is his day. He probably is big like his brother, who looked like a beefed up football player at birth. Appropriate that Grant's day would've been Super Bowl Sunday. :-)


  1. I think you are right Shannon. I sat behind you a couple rows this morning and was thinking of you and the baby out of the blue!

  2. Love you, Shan. It is comforting to know he knows no pain- only our Lord and His home.
