Friday, February 3, 2012

Family Photo Friday


The first Friday of February is here. My week's been crazy - how about yours? Here are a few photos to give you a glimpse into our week.

We watched our little buddy Eli one day this week. He is almost 2 years old now and is very much on the go. What fun he and my son had running around together!

My daughter has been sick with a cough and runny nose and then developed an ear ache. Yesterday we headed to the doctor and she was diagnosed with an ear infection too, so she's had a long, tiring week and needed a good nap!

Here's my son looking proud of his Lincoln Log building. Isn't he adorable?!

And a close up picture of his cowboy man. My husband is building a dollhouse for my daughter. Here's what it looks like so far. My daughter is super excited and both kids are helping with the work of making it. My family being super silly with Dad's breakfast sandwich. The cheese really did squeeze out and look like a tongue. The googly eyes were added for the silliness of the photo.

Happy Friday to you!

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