Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Works for Me Wednesday - Thankful Tree


November is here.
For us, that means that we get our "Thankful Tree" ready.
It is our November tradition.
Here's how it works.

Our family's 2008 Thankful Tree - our first ever

We cut out 30 leaves from construction paper - one for each day of November. We think of 30 things/people we're thankful for and write one on each leaf. Everyone helps to come up with these blessings, which always include things like food, a warm house, toys, family members. We tape the leaves onto a tree (also made from construction paper). Each day of November, we take one leaf off the tree and thank God for that blessing. Then that leaf goes on the bottom, at the base of tree.

Not only does this help us appreciate fall time, but it makes "thanksgiving" last for more than just one day during November. When Thanksgiving Day does roll around, we've already been thinking for weeks about God's bountiful blessings and all that we have to thank Him for!

A thankful tree - it works for me!

Our family's 2009 Thankful Tree

Our 2010 Thankful Tree, at the end of November! Dad helped make an awesome tree trunk that year!

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