Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Boy is Growing Up


My boy is growing up. He's just weeks away from h
is 4th birthday. It seems that just recently he has grown a few more inches and taken strides in development too.

This week he surprised us all by being able to reach
his toothbrush way back on the counter.

Last week I was peeling carrots and he wanted to help. I wasn't sure about the wisdom of handing a peeler to a 3-year-old but I let him try it. He was actually quite good at it and peeled two entire carrots for me!

A few nights ago my husband was doing something in his workshop. He set up a piece of wood for my son to work on cutting with a very small saw. The little guy worked and worked at it, eventually cutting a small piece off. How excited he was to show off what he had done!

Potty training seemed a bit delayed, but I know that is common with boys. Now, though, he's got the hang of it and does very well all day long.

Recently my son has caught on to the fact that football players wear helmets. So when he heads outside to throw his own football around, he insists on wearing his bicycle helmet as well. :-)

Without much help from me, he has learned to count to 15 and can spell his name.

He has always been a little helper. He loves to help daddy with any project he's doing - insulation, drilling, building. When I wash dishes, he's quick to grab a stool and come over to help. When we head outside to rake leaves, he heads right to his kid-sized rake and joins in the work. He's different from my daughter in this, as she would rather run off to play than to willingly do work.

So, one of the people I'm thankful for this month is my boy. What joy he brings to our family! And how thankful I am to daily be a part of his growing up.

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