Friday, August 13, 2010

Family Photo Friday

Friday is upon us once again. Here are quite a few photos that I haven't gotten around to sharing the last few weeks.

My kiddos enjoying some laughs together.

Lest anyone think we're all too serious around here... my husband thought this orange squash looked like a baseball bat. So my son grabbed the actual toy bat and I guess you'd call what ensued a "sword fight"

We have a firepit in our backyard and enjoyed a campfire together on my daughter's birthday. Our neighbor Sarah came over to join us. She and my daughter sat around the campfire in a wheelbarrow! They are best buds. How could I not grab a shot of this?

My son, fast asleep on the floor in his bedroom. This was a first for him.

Between this photo and the previous one, you know my son is exhausted from our stressful last few weeks.

My son is 2 and loves using scissors. Daily he asks if he can go cut some paper up. Here he's showing off some great cuts he made!

My daughter turned 7 last week. One of her birthday gifts was this fun Chef puppet. He's provided a lot of entertainment since joining our family last week! :-)

Happy week-ending to you!

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