Wednesday, August 11, 2010

End of an Era

Summer is quickly coming to a close. We have a beach day planned for this Friday as our last hoorah of summer.

Starting next Monday we officially start a new phase of life - focusing more on home and childcare. Monday I start watching "Baby Eli" - my friend Julie's little guy - on a full-time basis.

And sometime in the next 6 weeks I will be done with my role as the church secretary. It's been over 6 years that I've held that position, so it is bittersweet to see it end. I've enjoyed it a lot and yet know that it is time to move on.

My husband just wrapped up his summer class, turning in his final paper. He will not take any classes this fall - taking a much needed break from the school grind.

Our church held its last worship service in our "old" building last Sunday. This Sunday we meet for our first worship service in the "new" building (an elementary school building that we are renting). The transition has gone smoothly overall, though that isn't too say that it's been easy! Many, many hours of hard work from staff and volunteers... and it's not done yet!

So we start a new phase, a new chapter as we finish up the old one. Exciting times lay ahead. The Christian life truly is a great adventure, with new frontiers on the horizon waiting to be explored.

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