Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Works for Me Wednesday - Free Photobooks from Hot Prints

Six weeks ago I heard about Hot Prints - a photo-sharing website that was offering free photobooks (one per month). I tried it and was very pleased with the product I received in the mail last week. They had many templates and layouts to choose from and you completely personalize the book, with your own title, captions and obviously photos!

There is an insert in the middle of the book with advertisements but it can be easily removed without damaging the photobook.

I just placed my "order" for this month's free book and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. You can't beat free!

These would make great gift ideas (think of a book of baby pictures to give to Grandmas). I created one focusing on my daughter's year of 1st Grade (homeschooled), showing all of the fun field trips, crafts and adventures we experienced this year.

Works for me!

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