Thursday, March 25, 2010

Freebies in the Mail

Last Saturday was a GREAT mail day! I received two high-value freebies in the mail. First, a Huggies coupon for a free package of diapers! But also a brand new Bible!

Often times I sign up online to receive a free sample or something and then promptly forget all about it. That was the case with this one. I was surprised! Enclosed in the box was a note, reminding me that I was to receive this Bible for signing up and indicating that I have a blog. They requested I review the Bible and post my review on my blog. So I will do that, once I've looked it over and used it a bit.

High fives for freebies!

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting! I love freebies too- can't wait to read your review on this Bible. :)
