Friday, January 8, 2010

Family Photo Friday

The first full week of 2010 is coming to a close. Friday is here again, so I'll share a few photos from our week.

My sweeties, all cuddly with their new blankets (Christmas gifts from Aunt Karen)

My son adores his daddy. While I was folding laundry one day, he pulled out this shirt of Dad's and walked around with it draped on him like a toga. "Daddy, Daddy" he repeated. Then he laid down and wanted the shirt to be his blanket. So cute.

I was cleaning the table after supper. I turned my back for a moment. When I looked again, my son had grabbed the whole pan of chicken tetrazini and was digging in! Whoa, hold your horses there, buddy!

That gives you a glimpse into life at our house this week.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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