Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Commentary, Part 2

With some of our extended family living nearby and others a few states away, our Christmas celebrations always end up being spread out over two weekends. Instead of dreading this, I LOVE IT! Instead of feeling like Christmas is over and done with in a day, we usually are still celebrating into January. This year, Christmas Day was spent in Wisconsin with my family. Then we returned home to host the Christmas celebration for my husband's side of the family. I will say once again "Thank You, Lord" for a bigger house so we even could host Christmas this year [and bless my mother-in-law with the gift of her NOT having to host it :-)]. We enjoyed a wonderful meal (potluck style with everyone bringing something to share), a short program put together by the kids, and then opening gifts. Afterward, some people left while others hung around for desserts and a few games. It was so nice to be together with family.

Here are two nieces and my brother-in-law playing TO BETHLEHEM (a very fun Christmas board game). They were all good sports, even to the point of wearing a towel to keep the hot dessert sun off their heads on the journey "to Bethlehem."

My daughter and her cousin playing dress up - they have so much fun together and stayed up late after gift opening to dress up, play with their new games and check out all the new toys.

So we are now done celebrating Christmas 2009. I am pondering, though, as I think ahead to Christmas 2010 the idea of celebrating "The 12 Days of Christmas" in the traditional way - starting on Christmas Day and going for the next 12 days, discussing a part of the Christmas story each day, making it last a little longer. Already our own family Christmas is a very small affair - we give 3 gifts or less per person - but I'd love to add more elements of the true meaning of Christmas and less of the materialism that bombards from every direction during the holiday season. We'll see...

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