Thursday, August 6, 2020

Summer Fun


Here's a peek into some of what Summer 2020 has held for us. 

We've gone through dozens and dozens of popsicles to beat the heat.

We've made dozens of visits to local parks and playgrounds.

We've gone on hikes and enjoyed beautiful flowers blooming.

We've visited the zoo a time or two and a friend's horses.

We've played in water, pools and sprinklers.

We've had backyard campfires, both to intentionally burn yard debris and also to just relax and enjoy.

We've caught a dozen chipmunks! :-) 

And we've enjoyed a harvest from our garden.

And we've been tuckered out!

In some ways, it's always hard to see summer end. 

In other ways, we're ready for cooler days and a change of pace.

Summer 2020. 

Although it's been different than expected, you've been good to us.

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