Thursday, August 6, 2020

Summer Fun


Here's a peek into some of what Summer 2020 has held for us. 

We've gone through dozens and dozens of popsicles to beat the heat.

We've made dozens of visits to local parks and playgrounds.

We've gone on hikes and enjoyed beautiful flowers blooming.

We've visited the zoo a time or two and a friend's horses.

We've played in water, pools and sprinklers.

We've had backyard campfires, both to intentionally burn yard debris and also to just relax and enjoy.

We've caught a dozen chipmunks! :-) 

And we've enjoyed a harvest from our garden.

And we've been tuckered out!

In some ways, it's always hard to see summer end. 

In other ways, we're ready for cooler days and a change of pace.

Summer 2020. 

Although it's been different than expected, you've been good to us.

Happy 17th Birthday!


My oldest daughter turned 17 this week! 

We enjoyed cupcakes and ice cream bars for birthday dessert. Here she was eating her birthday burger lunch at a local park. It was a beautiful day!

She received a piano keyboard bench (to go with the keyboard she got last year). 

She also received some paints and a paint-by-number kit, which she was quite excited about.

Happy birthday!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Back to Church


Our church, like all others, was only doing livestream worship for many weeks starting in March. 

In July we were able to resume in-person meetings for those who were comfortable with it and with wearing a face covering. It was SO WONDERFUL to return, to see our church family in person again and to worship with a large group of people! 

My husband and oldest daughter serve as greeters. It looks a bit different now - with face coverings, no hand shakes, and holding the door open for everyone so nobody besides the greeters actually touch the doors. But they are serving happily.

My oldest daughter was also able to attend summer camp with the youth group in early August. We are so glad to have some sense of normalcy returning, as we get together again with our church body. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

50th Wedding Anniversary


My in-laws celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary over the weekend. Wow! 50 years is a long time! 

We had a small celebration, complete with balloons and cake and ice cream, along with hearing their memories of their wedding day and early years together. 

My younger daughter and I were dressed up, so we grabbed a picture together.

A good celebration! A good walk down memory lane to recount the faithfulness of God through the many seasons of married life.