Friday, May 22, 2020

Quarantine Week 10


Just wanting to start off with something beautiful. 
Some incredible sunsets this past week. 
Pictures never do them justice.

Another week of "quarantine" is over. I realize this is not technically the right term. We are not sick. We are just self isolating. But for the sake of these Quarantine Chronicles, we'll keep up the name calling. :-)

A few more nature pictures from our week. 

I love this little dogwood tree. We planted three of these in our yard in the last year. So great to see them bloom this week!

We caught two chipmunks this week. We're trying to keep them out of our yard and garden. When we catch them, the kids gave them names (like Alfred or Junior or Jumpy) and we take them for a little ride out into the country and let them find a new home. We're compassionate like that. :-)

Then we saw this squirrel in the garden! Grrr!

Our front porch is looking great with these flowers.

We put up a hammock this week. Getting it up was a whole story of its own, but here's my 6 year old enjoying the final product. All smiles!

These two little boys had fun playing with water and gave their toy lawn mower a wash.

And the two of them worked together to move a little ladder. Great teamwork, boys!

A round of popsicles on a hot day. We're so thankful for the warm weather that allows us to be outside!

Just a sweet picture of me with my littlest boy. I'm usually behind the camera so I'm glad one of my older kids caught a shot of me and this little guy.

Inside we had some major train track building going on this week. We left this one up for a few days.

And we played a few games. Here's Q-bitz Extreme. 
It's challenging!

And a game of Scrabble with this serious player.

And some puzzle action.

And the littlest ones playing with some foam shapes.

God provided a FREE used washing machine for us this week, from a neighbor in our neighborhood. So here's my hubby walking it home with the hand truck. What a sight to see him walking down the street like this! But we thank God for this free gift, right when we needed it! (Ours had broken down just that very morning. Within hours, we had this free one hooked up and working away. Amazing God!)

And just because, this girl wanted her picture taken with her sandwich. Okay.

My husband had his first full week working back at the office. All is well there. Even though it's a public library, they are not open to the public - only staff there working behind-the-scenes. So very slowly we are seeing more businesses and churches open their doors. We are so thankful that the virus has not been as serious as originally predicted. That is the mercy of our God! 

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