Friday, April 10, 2020

Quarantine Week 4


We're at the end of our 4th week of quarantine / stay-at-home orders. 

This week was a little different because it was Holy Week. We celebrated Palm Sunday at home, watching church from home. We also participated the same way in the Good Friday service and took communion at home together. My oldest daughter has been participating in youth group via Zoom meetings on Wednesday nights the last few weeks. 

We have free access to many video streaming sites due to COVID-19. One of these services is VidAngel. They have a series called THE CHOSEN, which is based on the life of Jesus from the gospel accounts in the Bible. We used Holy Week as a good time to watch some of this series most nights this week, as we prepared our hearts for Easter. We all enjoyed this and highly recommend it!

We again had some beautiful spring weather, which is a great blessing that allows us all to get out of the house more.

Me with two of the littles on the porch swing

Time outside means finding things like toads

And beautiful daffodils in bloom now

The saucer swing gets lots of use

My 6 year old climbing trees and loving life

Sidewalk chalk fun

My 12 year old is missing playing with his neighborhood friends. Here they are staying at least 6 feet apart, hitting a ball from one yard to another.

We enjoyed another campfire one night this week, complete with roasting hot dogs for supper.

Our little frog bubble-blower has been put to use a few times, giving the little ones thousands of bubbles to chase around the yard. 

Most of the family going on a walk together.

And a few working together to take down our old, rusty swingset.

Inside, we did some more cleaning. Quarantine has been good for our house and yard :-) We rearranged a little in the kitchen, then cleaned an exposed wall and my daughter even touched up the paint. Looking great now and clutter-free!

Downstairs, we cleaned and set up a small work/study area in one corner. 

The little ones watching from the stairs.

My husband and oldest daughter (and oldest son, somewhat) have been working on creating two wooden bedframes in our basement. These will be for our two girls. They spent quite a bit of time this week cutting and sanding wood for the under-the-bed drawers. 

I spent some time teaching my 6 year old some kitchen skills - using a peeler and a knife to cut up a cucumber. She's always a happy kitchen helper!

My husband and oldest daughter also made pumpkin pie and apple bars this week. More time at home = more time in the kitchen = we're eating very well. :-)

Speaking of this girl, she lost her second tooth this week.

We enjoy pizza on a weekly basis. This week, I caught this guy hoarding all the crusts. :-)

We continue to play more card/board games than usual. A Mancala game is underway here. We also played Memory and Bananagrams.

The final highlight of our week was catching this mouse in the house! My husband caught him with a Shopvac, as he was chewing a hole in the paneling of our family room right under an electrical outlet. Of course the children all wanted to keep him. We let them see him inside this jar and then he was let go in a field many miles away. 

Making the best of our time together at home!

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