Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Another co-op semester wraps up


Last week our fall semester of co-op wrapped up. Our co-op lasts for 12 weeks in the fall, takes a long break for December and January, and then resumes for 12 weeks starting in February. This schedule works really well for us, as a co-op and for our family personally. We always enjoy co-op for those 12 weeks but are also ready for a break as the semester ends. 

My 16 year old daughter took Chemistry (what a relief for me, to have her taking this class with a more qualified teacher and with other students who struggled as much as she did), Show Choir, Study Hall, and US Presidents. Her Show Choir class performed at the final program. Here she is with a few of her friends.

My 11 year old son had some very easy classes this semester: Games, Gym, Arts and Crafts, and Math Puzzles/Games.


My 5 year old daughter loved her K-1 classes: Music, Gym, Mercy Watson, Dance.

Her music and dance classes both performed on stage, which she loved. 

And she has a best friend, Addy, at our co-op that she just adores. They also share a birthday, so their relationship is extra special.

My 4 year old son was in PreSchool. Here he is with his class at our final program, singing Jesus Loves Me. So dapper on the bottom right! I didn't realize until they were all on stage that there are only 2 boys in the class amongst all those girls! 

My 2 year old son was in the Nursery.

This was my second semester co-leading the co-op with two other moms. Both of them have been leading for many years, but this is still fairly new to me. It is beginning to feel more comfortable as time goes by.

As a co-op, we memorized the first half of Psalm 103. We plan to memorize the second half during our spring semester. I do love the fact that Scripture memory is part of our group's values. 

Each semester is a time of giving, of receiving. 
Of learning, of growing - for moms and children! 
We love our co-op!

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