Friday, October 18, 2019

Faces of a Small Group


Small group. 
What do you think of when you hear those words?

For us, our small group is the place where we are known, loved and cared for. I'll pepper this post with pictures from our small group over the last 2 years.

Just as each family is different and each church is unique, so it is with a small group. Made up of unique individuals, each small group will be different. 

So this is what our small group looks like, somewhat. And it may or may not reflect what any other small group is like. 

Our small group meets together weekly - Thursday nights. Right now, we host the group in our home. It works out well, as we have young children that we can put to bed as needed (before or during group time), since we're in our own home. Another benefit is that we have kids in multiple stages, so we have toys and games and baby gear and a changing table - all of which can come in handy when inviting other families into your home regularly. 

Our group is small. We usually have 3-5 other families join us, half of whom have children that come along too. 

It is this group that goes deeper in relationships. 
Our church is large, but in any church setting, it is beneficial to have closer friends that you actually "do life with." We call that a small group. The people who actually know you more than as an acquaintance. The people you'd call if you had a need. The people who will be praying for you if you ask them to. The people who would rejoice with you, mourn with you, just do life alongside you. 

Practically, we hosted a baby shower for one family as they welcomed baby Moriah. Romans 12:15 reminds us to "rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn." 

We helped a family with packing and moving during a season of transition. The Bible tells us in Galatians 6:10 "as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those within the household of faith." 

We take meals to one another when there's a need, like a new baby or surgery recovery. We are commanded to "carry one another's burdens" in Galatians 6:2.

We check in with each other during the week, to encourage and pray for one another. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 10:24 to "spur one another on towards love and good works." 

We are told to make every effort to add to our faith and to grow in Christ-likeness, that our lives may not be unproductive and unfruitful (2 Peter 1:5-8). So we spend time weekly discussing and applying what the Bible says.

And we just enjoy time together, whether it's a play date at the zoo or a double-date or a backyard picnic.

For us, small group is a lifeline. Friends who are like-minded in their faith and desiring to live out their faith. 

We are so thankful for these people and the way God has used small group in our own lives. What a gift! 

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